I Accidentally Landed a Freelance Writing Gig

Oops, I got an online writing job that I actually like

Linda Kowalchek/L.K. Smithe
6 min readMar 30, 2022
surprised woman using laptop
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio for Pexels

What do you do when logic tells you to do one thing, but your instinct leads you in another direction?

Over time, I have learned that I’m probably better off doing what logic dictates because doing otherwise usually doesn’t turn out so well.

But sometimes, it’s like an invisible force is leading me to do something, and I have no idea why.

Call it instinct, or think of it as something more mysterious, but whatever it is, this time, I decided to follow my gut.

Here’s what happened.

I am going to make a living from writing online. I don’t have all the details worked out yet, but I’ll get there.

Many writers write for content mills as one of their multiple income streams.

Content mills usually tell the writer what to write about, and then the writer submits a finished story meeting the criteria. Once the content mill approves the story, the writer gets paid.

Unfortunately, content mill pay is usually pretty crappy (many pay only $5-$10 per approved story), so a writer needs to write many stories to make a livable wage.



Linda Kowalchek/L.K. Smithe

Writing about real life. Proponent of the passive voice and bringing “that” back. Member of the typewriter generation. Reach me at Linda.kowalchek@gmail.com